(e) Fifteen dollars ($15) of a fine imposed under subsection (d) shall be used to distribute vouchers for size appropriate child passenger restraint systems to families of limited income in the state.

#Federal safety standard for child restraint systems trial
The charges may be dismissed by the trial judge hearing the case and no court costs shall be assessed upon proof of acquisition of an appropriate child passenger restraint. (d) Any person violating the provisions of this section may be fined twenty-five dollars ($25) for each offense. (c) No provision of this section shall be construed as creating any duty, standard of care, right, or liability between parent and child that is not recognized under the laws of the State of Alabama as they presently exist, or may, at any time in the future, be constituted by statute or decision. (3) Booster seats until the child is six years of age. (2) Convertible seats in the forward position or forward facing seats until the child is at least five years of age or 40 pounds. (1) Infant only seats and convertible seats used in the rear facing position for infants until at least one year of age or 20 pounds. (b) The size appropriate restraint system required for a child in subsection (a) must meet the requirements of Section 32-5B-4 and shall include all of the following:
The term "motor vehicle" as used in this section shall include a passenger car, pickup truck, van (seating capacity of 10 or less), minivan, or sports utility vehicle. In no event shall failure to wear a child passenger restraint system be considered as contributory negligence. This section shall not be interpreted to release in part or in whole the responsibility of an automobile manufacturer to insure the safety of children to a level at least equivalent to existing federal safety standards for adults. (a) Every person transporting a child in a motor vehicle operated on the roadways, streets, or highways of this state, shall provide for the protection of the child by properly using an aftermarket or integrated child passenger restraint system meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards and the requirements of subsection (b).
Section 32-5-222 Requirements for child passenger restraints.